This monday was as bad as the publicity monday's get - it was bad. I had a problem on my desk before i had the time to get my caffeine fix or read the paper on my desk. God I am such a mem sahib .... not that i am going to change but still feel a pang of embarrassmen over it - which i would like to continue to feel because that pang is kind of like paying my dues for being a spoilt mem sahib..... warped? sure!
Then the day did not get better with Audit stepping on my tail. Fools. Felt like slugging their leader, which would, i am sure, have been extremely satisfying, but interest of self did not do so. Cant get a repute of having a short fuse - well lets rephrase that - cant give the people further proof of having a short fuse.
Went out for lunch with a few colleagues - all decent guys. After all these years in a male dominated industry, i now have a good feeling of camaraderie with my male colleagues. Helps that i am older and chubbier and not a 26 year old with a figure like a coca cola ki bottle (only those in asia will understand this). And yes i had that figure and now its comfortably covered in a layer of cozy fat. Being older and heavier does have it's advantagess. does that mean that my male colleagues would have treated me different had i been lighter?? Yes, i think so. Damn all that feminine liberation - male psyche is still standing still as it has been forever.
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